Sport Combine has launched a new sports recruitment platform that makes the recruitment process for players and teams more efficient and modern

The innovative platform is available for 8 team sports, and allows players to maximize the visibility of their talent while opening up new career opportunities. Teams can quickly find players they are looking for based on specific criteria in order to reach their goals. It also offers a complete sports universe with the possibility to find services, tournaments, and camps worldwide.

Founded in 2021 by Julien Sardin, Sport Combine is the most complete sports recruitment platform in existence. The founder created the platform because the current recruitment process is outdated. He wanted to modernize and simplify the recruitment process in the sports world while making information much more accessible between players and teams.

Through his experience playing basketball at a high level, he has played in several countries and faced these recruitment, visibility, and information-sharing problems. By linking this issue to his knowledge in marketing and web development, he had the idea and the ability to create the Sport Combine platform himself.

The platform allows:

players to create and manage their own pages to showcase their experience, physical statistics, and talent. They can also search for teams using a sophisticated filtering system and apply for announcements posted by teams looking for new players,

teams to create a page, post announcements, and manage player applications. They also benefit from an advanced search system to find players around the world that match their criteria,

suppliers of sports-related services to create a page to be easily accessible to their clients and offer their services,

organizers of tournaments to publish their page to promote their tournament worldwide,

organizers of training camps to create their page and share all necessary information to attract players.

«I wanted to create a complete sports universe online and easily accessible to break the boundaries that exist today in sports. When looking for a team, it’s complicated and many players end up without a team or playing at a level that is not theirs. We also see a lot of teams that can’t finalize their roster and don’t reach their goals because they are missing certain player profiles. I am convinced that Sport Combine is the ideal platform to open up new opportunities and simplify the connections between players and teams, as well as service providers, tournaments, and camps.» says Julien Sardin, founder of Sport Combine.

Our platform can be accessed through this URL: for all interested players and teams practicing basketball, american football, soccer, handball, volleyball, rugby, baseball, or hockey. For more information, you can contact Julien Sardin by phone at +33782897464 or by email at

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